SOA & Application Architecture Conference

Gervas Douglas, moderador de la lista SOA mas importante en la actualidad, ha promovido una interesante iniciativa para organizar una Conferencia sobre SOA y Enterprise Architecture. En breve se habilitará un portal web con mas información. Se ha creado un wiki para recabar sugerencias e ideas en torno a la organización del evento (el password es seirbhis).

En mi caso formaré parte del Comité Director de la Conferencia, mi misión irá encaminada a recabar contactos a nivel empresarial en nuestro país y fomentar la difusión del evento en todos los ámbitos.

La descripción es la siguiente:

"This Conference that we are holding in Andorra next January (23rd to 25th inclusive) will be a constructive interactive event with all sides working together to learn, teach, swap ideas and hopefully break new ground with new conclusions. We want it to be different from events where people sit trapped as passive prisoners in a chair listening to some bore droning on! If you want that there are plenty of people offering DVDs, webcasts etc. To get the best out of this Conference we want to make the most out of bringing end-users (business and technical), analysts, vendors, technical experts etc. together in the same physical locale.

Starting off in this spirit of interactivity, I would be grateful for you as the Group who have inspired this Conference to come up with some constructive suggestions relating to format and content, please.

Here are a few ideas which we have had:


(1) Some traditional-style presentations, in such categories as technical, strategic positioning, techno-commercial, business, needs, benefits and issues, case studies (e.g. the Amazon system) etc. We would try and ensure that these were interesting enough to inspire Q&A sessions

(2) Workshops. These are normally mostly technical, but we could have some for business users as well.

(3) Debates. For example, WS vs. REST.

(4) Expert panel discussion groups. This would be an opportunity to take certain pertinent themes further and thrash out the issues. All sorts of attendees could interact at these sessions and hopefully the experts on the panel would learn from others as well, for instance users' concerns and experiences.

Topics & Themes

This is obviously a moving feast. Who was talking about Web 2.0 a year ago? Let us for the sake of this exercise assume that the Conference will take place in the very near future, i.e. what are the relevant topics and themes now?

Broad Categories:

For example: SOA, BPM, Composite Apps., Web 2.0, Middleware

Topical subjects:

For example: SOA Governance, REST, WS, Other SOA technologies, e.g. J/JS, CORBA etc., ESBs

Please send your suggestions to the Group, or if you prefer, directly to me.

As this is an interactive process, over to you!

many thanks,


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