SOA Open Source (LogicBlaze)

Hace un par de semanas leí una interesante entrada escrita por Brenda M. Michelson sobre el lanzamiento de la plataforma LogicBlaze FUSE, la cual constituiría una implementación open source de SOA (Apache Software License 2.0).

FUSE está basado en ServiceMix (un ESB de Apache), ActiveMQ (un MOM del mismo proyecto) junto a otros componentes basados en proyectos open source de Apache:
  • Apache Incubator’s ServiceMix ESB, providing the fundamental runtime fabric for SOA processes, and the point of integration SOA components.
  • Apache Incubator’s ActiveMQ messaging system, for guaranteed reliable and high performance messaging, and connectivity to existing MOM solutions.
  • Apache Derby database, for message persistence in ServiceMix and ActiveMQ.
  • Apache jUDDI Directory Server, for service registry and lookup, enabling composite Web services.
  • Apache Incubator’s Ode Orchestration engine, for orchestration of composite services through BPEL-defined processes.
  • Jetty HTTP Server, for scalable Web 2.0 applications built on Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML), with complete integration into the SOA framework.

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